Wednesday, September 7, 2016

New on Airbnb? As work for you

Look at your search parameters to any unpleasant surprises. It is likely that an incredibly good deal, if you in this holiday villa, you probably will not be alone.

Wendy MacNaughton credit

FEED YOUR MESSAGE HOST It is a natural selection process with Airbnb. You have to send their hosts, if asked to stay at home, and veterinary his message, and that approved prior to stay. This allows customers to choose their customers (and unfortunately also led to cases of racial discrimination). There is also a possibility of instant books that referred to by a small beam, so that you can make a reservation without a message or request to send.

Generally, however, communicate the more you in advance with the staff, the better. You can exchange information, coordinate plans, and determine the best time to hand over the keys. Getting a lap fastest lap, the person whose house is for rent (and vice versa) to know, makes for a comfortable and pleasant experience.

Realize that F ILTERS friend are after the first landing page, if you have entered the basic settings of your stay, you will receive a card with the case - options. On the left side, above the IPO is a "filter" button. Click it, and you can cut your options on the number of bedrooms and bathrooms, as well as the neighborhood. Go to "Services". First, you are a few options. But on the right side you will see a small black arrow. Click it to display many more options. They bring together absolutely your dog? Check the "pet" option. It can be very granular with the configuration; if you want the host provide shampoo, or if you need a lock on the bedroom door, you can search for that as well.

to know the cancellation policy before booking, find the hosts of their cancellation policy. Cancellation policy may of "flexible" vary, which means that you will get a refund allowed, as long as you cancel within 24 hours of arrival, "strictly" which only provide a refund of 50 percent of available - if canceled at least one week Ahead. Anyway, goodbye to Airbnb non-refundable fee, the exact calculation of what is maddeningly unspecific - "usually 6-12%, but can be higher or lower", is named after the place.

To make IF DOUBT IN, pictures There are many more horror stories from customers damaging Airbnb armies nightmare hosts houses, but it's always good to be safe. When you arrive, do to make a quick inspection of the damage to walls or furniture and a few quick photos - if you have a smartphone, do well a few panoramic shots. If you notice any problems, you immediately contact your host. To do this, you communicate through the website Airbnb - not through personal e-mails back and forth to send.

When leaving take a couple of quick shots, also. In the unlikely event of a dispute, could help photos with time stamp to prove that you leave your house in good condition.

LET life ecosystem Airbnb and dies for honest feedback. Read reviews is the best way to learn the quality of a rental and the best way to remove the rotten eggs that falsify their identity, or worse. So it is on to the stay, to leave honest feedback and evaluate various aspects of the property on a scale of 1 to 5 stars. But I do not think that goes in one direction - guests can also leave feedback from your customers.

Still uncertain? RENT A 'Super Host' If you are reluctant to stay in the house of a stranger can be rented by the super host - someone who always received very positive reviews, has found a small gold medal for the profile. Eighty percent of Super opinions hosts were awarded five stars, and super hosts are on a high level of responsiveness and follow maintained (ie, not canceled at the last minute) through the book.

use Airbnb for the first time, can be both an exciting and a bit of experience worried - I felt so myself. When in doubt, but want to test the water, the house of a Super Host can be a good first stay.

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