Saturday, September 3, 2016

This results in a temporary employment agency former prisoners work, and bring to work

She had to struggle with alcoholism, and she visited Rehabilitation end 1990. He then with his family in Maine, where he began volunteering, lectures on recovery in a clinic of drugs and alcohol in the county jail.

In 2009, Walsh attended an event local networking by F. Lee Bailey presented as a guest speaker. Mr. Bailey noted the lack of employment opportunities for offenders.

"Many of these people, they hit a blank wall, where they turn and give up," Bailey said. "They say," Well, I think I'd better go rob a bank or I hungry, or more of a 7-Eleven or a liquor store. "

Bailey said that his speech a program in which businessmen gave Jobs emphasized carefully early release of prisoners and their teachers selected if they go back to their feet. He was particularly successful in Minneapolis, where, Mr. Bailey said he was able to reduce the recurrence rate to 19 percent from 73 percent.

Bailey Walsh approached by the word and asked how he could set up a similar program in Maine.

"Margo, not rent them not," he recalls saying. "That's why I'm here talking about it."

Mr. Bailey was not aware that the companies were fully dedicated to this model purposes, so Walsh decided that he would fill the gap. But he had a problem: the lack of start-up capital.

"I am a single mother, head of household, over SNAP MaineCare benefits and what is food stamps," said Walsh. (MaineCare is the state version of Medicaid.) "Had no assets, nothing," he said. "Not even a 401 (k). I blew all, if he has been drinking."

Margo Walsh, left, founder of MaineWorks with Antonio Ramos, Center, project manager, and Ryan Dewar, director of field operations at the company's office. Tristan Spinski credit The New York Times

Initially, he worked to keep from his house costs low. She turned to her sisters for help, each paid him $ 2000 and $ 2500 a loan asset backed was achieved against his Subaru - used money to make your first paycheck.

MaineWorks assure customers be the easiest part. Ms. Walsh writes the change in attitudes towards drug use as part of the reason.

The business model MaineWorks differs from a traditional Leiharbeits agency that is not a business day at work, where up workers in the morning in a row, work during the day and be paid at the end of the afternoon.

"Our guys are paid weekly, are fully utilized, and are eligible for unemployment," he said. But you can get also claims to their content.

All this high because of the cost and low profit margins. In addition, a company target workers find a permanent job with MaineWorks to help customers. This means Walsh must constantly recruit new employees.

But she says she contractors is able to collect more than its competitors. And despite its high cost, he quickly began to make money. In 2012, EADS generated revenues MaineWorks $ 250,000. In 2015, it reached US $ 1.6 million. In March, the Small Business Administration appointed his Maine Small Business Person of the Year.

When an employee starts first MaineWorks, there is a trial period two weeks ,. Then Ms. Walsh and his small team of office managers meet to discuss the future with the staff.

"We say," OK, you need to move your life forward? ' "Said Walsh. The answers range from the driver's license to a female housing. MaineWorks then refers to the workers several partners in the community to have, some of which offer free services.

"We do not see as trying the bodies to get out there," said Antonio Ramos, who MaineWorks began as a magazine in 2012 and is now a project manager. "We usually try to find people who in restoring or people who want to do something else with their lives and just need a chance."

The company pays its workers $ 10.10 to start per hour, which per hour minimum wage in Maine is well over $ 7.50. Walsh estimates that half of the employees to make $ 12 per hour, and some make up to $ 21 per hour.

But there are also real challenges with a population of former prisoners and drug users in the work. Just get employees work in time to report may be difficult.

"It's like breeding animals, especially," said Walsh, adding that most of the workers between 19 and 30 years. "Many of them were young when they become addicted," allowing them to fight cognitive difficulties. "These are widely dispersed." Therefore, the first telephone in the morning and drive are deals.

For those who, like Mr. Eason's wife Walsh a kind of savior. In the coming weeks is expected to start working full-time in the business window, which has a temporary job through MaineWorks.

Bailey attributed strong leadership of Mrs. Walsh for his success. Avoid strong love approach. If employees MaineWorks relapse, they are sent to work, but published by the Company. Instead, Walsh and his team help to obtain medical assistance or a bed in a sober house.

"It's the last program that I saw, and I went to this Reform Project 40 years, one thing," said Bailey.

The company has now expanded to Tennessee and Walsh plans to move New Hampshire and Massachusetts. she hopes with a large foundation partner to all over the country to stimulate rapid growth.

"People feel as if they were able to replace their function with a sense of purpose and belonging," said Walsh. "When you put heroin out of hand, you need a replacement, and can not be a video game controller. To operate the answer."

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