Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Therapists were honored entrepreneurs annually 3 "I listen to my" Nine to Five "Celebration of Labor Day" on September 25,

Aiken, SC - (Release Wire) - 09/27/2016 Vicki and her husband Mike Simons excellent enterprise homeowners already left their corporate jobs - and those who aspire to do the same - on September 25 observing the third Labor Day Celebration "year 25 . September: "I mean" nine to five Quit "is the perfect time to celebrate this transition because when the date is written in numbers -. 25.09 or 925 - reminded on a par with the many people who are currently working "nine to five" job or any other work in the factories, where an employer their wages. the Simonses have a home business and helping others offer that establish their own wish.

"Had worked in the corporate market to understand the pressure that someone else present for the work," Vicki Simons said. "If you are self-employed and working for yourself at home, your goals and your own hours, while the freedom of a home based business to enjoy is prepared."

According to the Small Business Administration, a number of well-known companies, including Apple Computer began as a home business. The SBA says more than half of all US businesses are based on a homeowner and start a home business many rewards and challenges has. (1)

Industry insiders say that many people today are looking for more freedom with your time and your finances. Among the many entrepreneurs currently budding ones:

- Spending a lot of time working for someone else; (2)
- Work in hours other than 9:00 to 5:00 pm;.
- Working with jobs outside the home; and
- With more than one part-time work.

For lovers of freedom, the smartest move before they leave an existing job, start a business in carefully selected house and run to build a second income that will completely replace the current income.

Vicki Simons has "to make information about a second income in a home business at work" a report entitled those who strive to help them to work for themselves at home. In order to report for free access to visitors simply enter by their names and email addresses, as referred 925Entrepreneur.com and confirm your e-mail subscription.

on 925Entrepreneur.com
925Entrepreneur.com is the official website for the said holiday "I Quit My" Nine to Five "Labor Day Celebration" Vicki Simons created. - And help observed on 25 September each year a free report designed people make the transition from working for someone else for themselves to work on the site is available.

1. https://www.sba.gov/content/home-based-businesses
2. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Working_time

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