Saturday, September 24, 2016

"Illegal" should go home, blame the government, the more the reaction of temporary workers ramp N.J.

For several months checked NJ Advance Media, as rising temperatures affect the industry in New Jersey.

Reporter Kelly Heyboer agency said selection of temporary staff, trade unionists, civil servants, researchers and dozens temporary workers - many of them are not in the United States to work legally permissible

With the help of California Central Research Reveal based reports Heyboer survey sheds light on a dark industry of temporary employment in New Jersey, which is based on approximately 90,000 workers side.

documented complaints history of unpaid workers, racial and sexual discrimination, unsafe working conditions. The system uses temporary workers is booming, the risk expulsion are not willing to report abuse to the authorities.

Hundreds readers responded to the survey in three parts in the comments on and Facebook and email.

Comment was divided equally among those who sympathized with the plight of temporary workers and those who believe that the story was part of a broader discussion on illegal immigration. Others offered a comparison with conditions in other low-wage industries and how the differences in the wealth of the nation brought with government inaction in connection, which exacerbates the nodes of the economy.

A selection of comments from readers who have been changed for the sake of brevity and clarity:

In, the government zemack responsible for the lack of controls:

In the articles, it is that the "abuse" everything really rare. (Supposedly "low wages" and the lack of vacation or holidays are not paid to abuse. They are the working conditions of workers are assumed. Share I never paid 46 years in the construction industry, and had a vacation or sick days. I did not feel "abused").

Actually you should find no problem, have "death and despair." What you will find, especially people in America are looking for higher wages emigrated willing and mercy for-profit companies that supply and consumers are willing to hang the products of their work for sale. These are the people who voluntarily take jobs that by their own judgment, are better than the jobs they left behind. Why? To a better life for themselves and their families, and the ability to build a foundation for economic progress. If they are treated so badly, why stay at work?

Actual abuse cases (such as sexual harassment), industrial temperature appears an honorable industry. As I see it, is the worst aggressor our government.


Facebook - users provide some of the lively discussion on the topic:

His Hulse Harris

Why in God's name, these temporary employment agencies, these people may rent without effect? Regulations? Licensing? What they are, if they can not meet? With so many people looking for decent work, there is no reason for this to happen first. Not until something important done to change anything illegal, and there are strict and heavy fines (and imprisonment, if necessary) to use these temporary employment and society.

Bill Lewis

Since there are large groups of illegal immigrants looking for work, this "temporary" our survival and development. Situations simple supply and demand. If it were less, moonlighting would supply be reduced and that the employer would have to pay more or go bankrupt. It is economical / demographic easy. More and more illegal immigrants entering the country will deteriorate.

Hewitt Jennifer Bishop

Unions have to step up and get in some of these plants. In a union shop can only be used a number of times at a time, and they have to go to a certain date, or the company must assume full time and pay the benefits.

Tipton Lauri Johnston

I read that today more than one page article. [Rafael Sanchez, who is not authorized to work in the United States] has worked for the same plant in Trenton for six years, but only as an employee "TEMP" earn less than a citizen of the United States to do would be ready. Part of me DIT "Hey, stop the jobs of our own citizens take." On the other hand "get as factory owners away with it?" Thinks- You can not tell me they do not know that they use illegal to make higher profits ...

Harold Bork

This story shows that illegal immigrants to reduce and weaken the economy wages. These jobs are likely to have a salary before "Labor Day" and others paid that violate our laws. Federation and States must employers begin using illegal organizations and allow them to lock on. Also must evictions take place for all illegal at the right time.

Miguel Orlando

Very good article. It remains to be seen how many people complain about illegal immigrants, but everyone gets back, because they need these people to fill all these low-paid jobs.

Peter Parker

I applied for a temporary job in Jersey. Despite the fact that I am a licensed attorney, I was rejected because a "lack of experience" (fortunately I finally found a job in the industry right). It is an open secret that temporary agencies only man Hispanic rent.

Mary Jo Madden

First, no one should work for $ 10 an hour. No jobs fair price now do in value from $ 15 Go each of these teaching assistant jobs of workers to the server and tell me, after a whole day you're just a value of $ 10. All comments on this page, I do not see, thus saith far holder which is enriched in the back of the employee. Whatever the status of citizenship, this story tells me the old story of the old rich are getting richer on the backs of workers is alive and well in New Jersey. If you are thinking these jobs so amazing and you or your child needs a job, go find online - and give you a tour.

We have also sorted through hundreds of e answers - mail:

Mexican immigration is encouraged and welcomed and encouraged by the government, big business, and a percenters largely, though not exclusively, to use a cheap labor; all occurring in the incidence of heart endless request to the strains of decent American citizens bleeding. This is done to increase profits, and ordinary people really think that government and big business believe etc., are encouraging, promoting and voting for open immigration as "care" about the millions of Mexicans.

It is a blatant ongoing plan to the operating result, but loaded with enough hot slogans propaganda to mislead the public to believe that we are acting as a benevolent saint, if we require all of these, the poor are allowed to come here. I work my whole life working long. My family is white. I have Mexican friends, and even family members from Mexico, by a marriage with my brother. Yes, many success stories were told and retold ad nauseum, but they play directly over the propagandists of deception, ignoring the hard truth and only serve to deceive the American public and the United States believe that benevolent father his best interests at heart more deceive the poor that have been performed. I wish it so. Instead, the operation is the goal; Avidity father pattern. And the father lives in Wall Street.

- Garret choice Seattle


An equally worrying aspect is how and where these people are forced to live. You have spoken of an unheated garage with an extension cord. This is the tip of the iceberg.

Slum landlords (although it "tenants" Slum is in many cases, the rent a home from someone that questions do not ask) by a very real danger .... basements and lockers for guest workers in the sublease unawares, attics, dependencies, etc. . These are difficult, almost impossible to follow, and are equally deplorable working conditions in your article.

- Gary Lewis, Montville


More to the point, it is shameful that this condition exists, but the lack of it is not our country. Mexico should offer a better quality of life for the people. The people should have no children living there, if they do not follow the same pattern. And Trump simply have to mark not jobs or resources they need American citizens.

- Frank Ciccone, Union County

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