Friday, September 23, 2016

New bill criminalizes voluntary sex work "

Ahmedabad: While the Department of the Union of Women and Child Development (MWCD) on trade its draft law published in 2016. This year, representatives of the Network of Sex Workers of All India (AINSW) believe may punish the voluntary wrong sex workers.

The consultation with representatives of the 80 group sex workers in Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh and Maharashtra, which took in the city on Friday and was organized jointly by ANISW, Lawyers Collective and the Centre for Research and Defence and the AIT. Members of the group said that all sex workers are traded and most revolve around sex voluntarily to make work and life, and are the only breadwinners for their families.

"Several provisions of the law will have a negative impact on the rights of sex workers and their families. For example, allowed the bill any police officer against human trafficking or the local police reasonable grounds that a believing crime is committed on the premises, enter and search premises without a court order to rescue the victim. This raises a serious question affecting the privacy of sex workers, "said Tripti Tondon, deputy director, attorney general. "Many sex workers are in sex work voluntarily involved and do not want to be saved or treated as criminals. They also work as homeworkers and the violation of their privacy negatively their children and their family impact, which are most of the time are not even aware that women in their family are sex workers. they are easily recognized as working women, "said one participant.
More than 4,000 sex workers in Ahmedabad alone are already connected to community organizations AINSW. Some 25-30% of these women are sex workers and volunteers at home.
a number of other provisions of the law, the sex workers would criminalize submit a series of recommendations to the National Commission during the consultation and on this basis were women were also decided discussed.
"We understand that the purpose of the law is to prevent trade, but they criminalize not voluntary sex workers. Our community organizations have formed a committee of self-control to prevent the trafficking of minors", Ranjan Patel, vice president AINSW Ahmedabad.

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