Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Productivity 12 tips for parents to work from home

SALT LAKE CITY - Did you know that 3.7 million employees - about 3 percent of the American workforce - work at home at least half the time? Not counting those who are self-employed. In the last three years, the population of teleworkers has increased by 5.6 percent and autonomously, the population of the main business increased by 18.7 percent, according to the Global Workplace Analytics.

With computers in our pockets and desktops in the cloud, select most of us, to work from home. This flexibility is good, but when raising children while working, productivity is hard to find.

As a work at home mom and coach for women who work at home, I found it both a "father" and "working mother" under the same roof to be - often at the same time - I have long ago to the days of a Travel.

For parents who are struggling at home to balance and work to form a family, here are 12 tips.

1. Hold a legitimate calendar

# 1 suggestion I can offer is the creation of a master plan, which, when it indicates to work, and if they are not. Then do everything in your power that schedule to keep. by dirty dishes or children playing on the swings is not distracted. They fear not, the program your style cramp is. I promise it will release.

2. Various functions with time blocks

The best way to balance throughout the day to find the "father" and "working father" is to integrate blocks of time in this Annex.

Chelsea Briggs is a mortgage processor with young children at home.

"Locking time help," he said. "I block time for my children during the day to have a little mother now. I try to keep all my calls when my kids slumber when I can. For me it is impossible of distractions to get rid of, but timeouts really helps. "

I suggest, so that the stack of clothes do not cancel blocking time for his role as "caretaker" a report of the logistics.

3. Working in a particular workspace, preferably with a door

This was not a luxury for me. My "office" was a desk and a shelf next to a wall in the living room. The effort, organized and stay focused intensively. Often I will make calls from customers in the laundry room, stuck in my training master closet and write articles in my room, as these rooms have doors.

It is nice to be where my children are, and a lot of work that I can do, but there is always a part of my business, that feels scattered, no matter what happens.

Beth Pf is the mother of three children in Syracuse, Utah, who worked mainly at home for years. You may have an office in your home to avoid and suggest distractions: "If you have defined space to work, set times when the children have to play away from you This works if they are older When my children were babies.. had working at night during sleep. "

4. Change your pajamas

In earnest. Also comfortable yoga pants make it easy for us in less productive activities fall. Slippers, other? I follow you.

5. Keep a large block - notes

Distractions from other people in the house, while they work to take their toll. a request from a child honoring often means that it spend an extra 15 minutes to figure out where you left off.

Keep a notebook nearby and if you need step back to help someone (or to stop the fight is out on Xbox), write down what you do, and you expect two things in mind to do it ,

Rent 6. Aid

Even with a flexible schedule, sometimes you can not do everything you. You may need to hire someone to help with housework or childcare. With a nanny, nanny or helper mother a few days makes a week, a difference in productivity.

When I wrote my book and manuscript had an urgent deadline, I made a 11-year-old boy with the children to come and play for several hours a week, while I was not home.

7. Exchange Kid

When the adjustment aid for their children is not an option, perhaps you could organize a cooperative nanny. Is there another parent who works at home near you? Or a mother who one day to be needed? Coordinate plans and day trading kids to see everyone else.

8. Special brand of working

When used with children who are not an option, create a list of activities that kids can do that. While working This will help them get excited about the time you spend working.

When my children were preschoolers had a special cabinet of activities that are only for use available during or busy working. We had a sticker Box, am tone, junk cars, etc. The children made a bigger mess because I was not there with them, but they had a good time, and the work was a good compromise.

9. announce that you work

Prior to his office or to jump into the teleconference enter, ask your children what you can do for them before they leave the workpiece. I promise, this problem alone reduce interruptions stupidly.

10. Sell your kids about your "Why"

Help your children understand what you do for work and how it helps the family. provide the ability to define a family of reward if you meet an appointment or reach their quota. If they feel they are part of the team, they will be more willing to give the time and space you need to get there.

Janika Barfuss is a health coach, who is not afraid to sit their children and explain what it does and why it works. "I tell you, I need your help with the things in your home so that you can work more efficiently," Barefoot said. Gather the children around the idea of holiday fun things. "We are in the same boat. It's a win-win all the way."

11. involve your children

Think to comprise of creative possibilities their children. Can you put stamps on envelopes? Enter the customer data? Or maybe you could "pretend" a place for them in their office set up to work with you.

12. Hate is not used to entertain Netflix. Way. Too. Lots.

It uses all the time on the screen in order to do our work. It is a great club.

About the Author: Nicole Carpenter

Nicole Carpenter is the creator and CEO of Time Management - program Set your local time. She is a speaker and best-selling - ". 52 weeks Fortify your family" by Author Nicole and her husband raising four children in Syracuse, Utah. Follow - on the @momentity Twitter.

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