Friday, April 29, 2016

Punjab workers call home for the recognition of their rights

Lahore (Agenzia Fides) - More than a hundred women gathered yesterday in front of Lahore Press Club ", better wages, our" guilty in their eyes to make sure right at the Punjab government, recognition of the status of rights shout workers at home than other employees ,

Activists banner and shouting slogans wear, want the province to pass a law that the cabinet has not been approved, even if it this would the basic salary for homeworkers make level since 2013 pending the rest of the country.

"We work until seven in the evening, but got only a quarter of the income of factory workers", Yasmin, one of the protesters said, ".. The government of the poor think we are working"

Since her husband died, Yasmin had six houses to work every day. She is worried about the future of their children and grandchildren.

"I have worked a lot, and I learned to sew clothes after my husband died six years after the marriage. I my daughter married in her youth, but children need education to get better jobs," he said.

Yasmin gets 500 rupees (US $ 5) for each house, where he works. Tasks include washing, dusting sweep furniture, washing and ironing. Every month he takes home about 3,000 rupees per house.

Therefore, it wins more than the minimum wage in the other three provinces and Islamabad, the federal capital, the 13,000 rupees. However, it took a toll on his health, since he Hepatitis B under contract

Pakistan, home workers can count on an army of 12 million members, want the recognition of their rights.

In 2013, the government of Punjab province came to regulate work with an invoice from home. It has been located but not yet approved.

As a result of this delay, the civil society groups have mobilized to demand that wages origin laid down in the law on the minimum wage.

HomeNet Pakistan, a network of organizations for the recognition of labor rights of domestic workers work, asked the Chief Minister of Punjab, to approve the bill and announced on May 1, Labor Day.

Yesterday, the protest has "the third demonstration in a month is" HomeNet Pakistan said in a statement. "Millions of workers for the law to wait [...] To the right of a worker to give."

"We have been waiting for many years, and [yet] The government is not willing to listen." Doing "You workers whose rights are ignored ignored".

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