Students in the food laboratory work, Cornell.
Most, if not all, at least demands on some level countries, training and certification of persons who wish to produce and sell to market food products on the market. Although this article is specifically written with residents of the states of New York, who was also willing to increase public awareness of the problems to poorly prepared and packaged to raise food that is offered for sale. If you get interested in this business, überprüfen Sie mit Kreis Agenturen und Staat , die Vorschriften der Lebensmittelverarbeitung Lizenzen zu verwalten. In Ergänzung the regulations of the province / state, preparation and packaging of certain foods, such as pickles may require the participation of the Food and Drug Administration.
When I started in Essen to think a small company on the establishment of specialized home as a base, I had little knowledge about the regulation of food processing companies. Like many people, I loved to cook for friends, and over the years a number of recipes developed that encourages me some of them to bottle and sell.
Who certifies Cottage Food Companies?
Thus, the discovery process that the agency jurisdiction over the types of products had they wanted to make and sell began. I have learned that the Ministry of Agriculture and Markets State of New York that was responsible. I called their offices in Albany, I explained my intentions and advised me to the inspector for my region to contact. I got this call and a representative came to me to discuss my proposal with me.
During his visit, not only I have learned a second kitchen would be necessary, but need a license food processing and my recipes need to be reviewed and approved by the Northeast Center for Food Entrepreneurship (of NECFE), also known as the New York State Food Venture Center, the department of food Science at Cornell University could begin before production and sales.
Things quickly complicated! For a relatively short history, I have met state standards and sales began in the summer 1993rd
Routinely, I present a letter potential customers to explain the history of our company. Said Cornell had our recipes approved, we have obtained a license from the Ministry of Food Processing of Agriculture and Markets, and continued as a protective liability insurance.
During this process, I was surprised to find that when I offered background information, to ask a few, if suppliers were my strength! Therefore, I have the reason decided to write this article to make people aware that there are a variety of rules and procedures to be followed in the products to make certain types of food for sale.
Equivalent to the articles of cottage food
Manufacture and sale of processed foods, the bottles or refrigerated goods for sale to the public are sealed, it is a serious matter, because it can produce a variety of food-borne illness if the safety technology are complied with. Bacteria can grow in poorly prepared and packaged foods, can cause anything from diarrhea to botulism, a deadly disease.
The Ministry of Agriculture and Markets is working with Cornell University a variety of methods to develop and implement in order to protect the public from potential health associated problems with poorly packaged foods.
For example, Ag and inspector Markets my local visits and learned that it is to work from there, he explained that my second kitchen need three wells - one for washing utensils, disinfecting utensils with Clorox solution and wash your hands! (Since I have a high temperature dishwasher to help with the first two requirements).
To be complied with, I built the kitchen, the guidelines by the state to meet and began making to be sent for analysis to the Cornell small batches of the product. We started with a small selection of our marinara sauce and pesto, and sent them throughout the evaluation.
In about two weeks we have received a response from the laboratory, which explains the settings that would be needed before such revenue could be authorized.
The pH of the marinara was heated to a level of 4.2 or lower are reduced, to 195 degrees Fahrenheit, packed into clean jars may contain a vacuum with a lid, and down to seal and cool before labeling. The same guidelines for my pesto described.
Pesto - pH - monitoring -Dessous 4.2 to ensure the threshold for refrigerated foods.
Reduce pH preserves and food safety for Sale
Now I am faced with two challenges: What to use as acidifier to reduce the pH and how to measure these parameters? From my experience in chemistry and worked as a field biologist, knew he available counters that the measured and ordered a source in Albany pH were.
Because I had no idea what kind of equipment that is used to lower the pH, the so-called at Cornell risk Food Center, and was to use vinegar or citric acid as a crystalline mechanism of this process advice. I choose the citric acid and found that was after several batches, it is a bit of a long way.
So with citric and my new meters, I prepare lower able new lots with a pH and resubmit for analysis. Once the recipes were approved, submitted and a food processing obtained (20-C) License Ag and markets, as well as guidelines for the identification and records, and we were in business!
Since that time, not so many years ago when I started this process a food business to start from home, the FDA and the Agriculture and Markets has introduced a number of new procedures and potential hazards specific product standards. All these procedures are designed to ensure that foods packaged for sale either treated under heating limited shelf-stable or refrigerated properly and safely.
Contact supplier for further information
in New York in the production and sale of food sources interested should contact below. These companies provide the information you need to start a new venture.p food production;
Contact NECFE / Cornell Food Venture Center and ask the (315-787-2273; Web here or Google NECFE) Initial "Guide".
Contact with the Ministry of Agriculture and Markets State of New York and ask for information about license requirements (518-457-4492 or online here) or local health department if not in the state of New York.
So you see, involves the production and sale of processed foods legally over container fill with your favorite recipes and sell at the local farmers market. compliance with a number of regulations of the state and federal guidelines and perhaps to ensure safe food handling and packaged products is not required.
This article will discuss the requirements, the people of New York are thinking or planning to go in the food industry, need to check before the operation start described. If you decide to take this company, you should NECFE and Ag and markets from production to contact.
However, if you are an outlet store for food, you should ask potential suppliers to demonstrate that they are entitled to the items they want to sell.
Marinara - sauce after treatment, and discordant with pots to ensure reverse tightness, and that the summit be sterilized by heat.
* Note: The pH - value is a measure of the concentration of hydrogen ions; a measure for the acidity, the research that the botulinum bacterium Clostridium shown can not grow in media, particularly in anaerobic (oxygen), wherein the pH - value is below 4.6.
Tony Bonavist is a fish biologist by profession and has worked for the Department of State of New York Department of Environmental Protection for more than 25 years. He is currently working Tony B Specialty Foods in Hurley, New York.
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