Thursday, July 21, 2016

Law, attacked the children to their families of militants to work | Reuters

CHENNAI, India (Thomson Reuters Foundation) - Activists have a bill criticized that the employment of children under the age of 14 prohibits in more than a dozen professions, but allows them to work for the family business, to say the legislation justifies child labor.

The Rajya Sabha passed an amendment to the law on child labor on Tuesday night, so that children under 14 years to help their parents with homework, including agriculture, after school and during the holidays.

The bill also severe penalties of between six months and two years for those rich, found guilty of violating the law, and a fine up to 50,000 rupees ($ 740).

"Change the law, to justify a form of child labor in 30 years, and still found a way that," said Ganguly Enakshi, a founder of the charity, HAQ: Centre for Child Rights.

The bill, expected to be adopted by the lower house of parliament, it also allows children 14 and 18 years in other occupations not be used as "dangerous".

For example, children who work as artists in the entertainment industry, including advertising, films, TV series have an exemption get to work under the new law, because it does not does not affect their schooling.

India is home to 5.7 million working children from five to 17 years, according to the International Labour Organization, it is estimated that worldwide 168 million child laborers.

More than half of the workforce children in India in the fields, and more than a quarter in manufacturing work - embroidering clothing, weaving carpets or manufacture of matches. The children also work in restaurants and hotels, and domestic workers.

The defense bill, said the Minister of Labour of India Bandaru Dattatreya Parliament that the new law was to reduce severe and child labor in the country.

He also said that a family would be less exploitative because they face employer towards an employee.

"It is very difficult to establish that part of the family in our social fabric is not," Ganguly HAQ Thomson Reuters Foundation said.

"Everyone has an uncle and that the validity check when a rescued child laborers, he said worked for his uncle."

MPs against the changes argued that undermine children so to work in the family business

"We still dream our children to allow back home from school, and help us or work for us? What is not fair for our children for a child of an economically low average unsuitable", MP Kanimozhi Karunanidhi Parliament said.

During the debate in Parliament questions over the exposure of children to pesticides in agriculture or other hazards in the business are used at home, such as carpet weaving, beedi manufacturing bracelets and rolls were also raised.

($ 1 = 67 188 Indian rupees)

(Reporting by Anuradha Nagaraj; sectional Katie Nguyen;. Please enter the Thomson Reuters Foundation, the Foundation of Thomson Reuters credit, for the new, the rights of women, human trafficking and climate change Visit humanitarian www ..

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