Thursday, May 5, 2016

7 Tips to organize your work and maintain productivity


The general condition of their living environment affects their personal productivity. work in a clustered environment and has the ability to disorderly distracted and to keep in most cases, produce negative energy. While some might make excuses about their limited space, there are creative ways to keep their own pace and well organized, stop being productive. Even if your work is carried out primarily on a computer, all on the workstation needs motivation, feed to be productive.

A well-organized work area has enormous advantages. It makes you feel in control and focus clearly and to identify areas that require proper care. An organized space can eliminate literally distractions that position you to succeed, to save time and help you Super stay productive.

Find clean and simple ways to save space by organizing elements help maintain a clean work area and prevent the loss of piles clutter.

Here are 7 tips to organize your office and stay productive

1. Rinse your office


Any major change begins with a rinse! Clutter your room, empty, crush and literally have something frivolous that does not add value to your productivity. Concentrate on one area at a time, to find inspiration in magazines, Pinterest and other sites on the type of work that you want to create. Remove unnecessary furniture, filing and group elements according to their different use categories. Make "clean official" You will help analyze the elements that need to hold or discard. This step is not lost.

2. Organizing with colors and labels
Select an appropriate labeling and a color system for your office. Take the time to label the shelves, folders, boxes and crates. This labeling process helps put elements in the right places, and reduces the risk of losing important documents.

3. Use storage boxes and containers



Storage boxes are lifesavers! can stay, you can almost everything in containers store organized. Plastic containers and cartons are ideal for efficient storage. Investing in sustainable not only boxes for office space, but also for your home. By grouping and their office equipment labeling (on stage), you will have more clarity as to better organize the various elements and put them on straight segments. Do not these boxes of stationery forget that can be used to keep your office supplies in organized compartments.

4. Segment your work zones


You may be different workspaces solving their problems. Sometimes our work requires different spaces and tools cause a better performance. Consider your work area segment based computer in a workstation computer and a work area. In some cases, you may need to keep away from work to stay at the computer distractions away. You can sign documents, scanning documents containing writing on paper or maybe just along to get your thoughts. Even if you have an office, you can still use the workspace to a desired optimum performance.

5. Organize your desktop - Accessories


One way to keep your productivity is to organize your desk. Organize all stationery, laptop, files and shelves. This is where some of its organizers plastic storage and come in. Not to organize expensive items a tray your pens, is necessary. beautify only the storage boxes (large and small) and use them to your advantage.

6. The chaos and organize your laptop / desktop
The contents of your computer or other electronic devices also affect the output of your work and life. Clutter and organize your desktop by deleting these files, images or software that is not necessary. Organize work in different folders and use digital sticky notes and schedules as needed to maintain productivity.

7. Reminders have inspired
To stay inspired and stay motivated to work, you must reminders around your workplace. Consider a wall of inspiration or to create space to remind you your goals and dreams. It is easy, motivation and distracted by a lot of work to lose, which is growing constantly. However, there are ways to stay motivated, even if you have no desire to work. These essential facts of inspiration in your office, can even be made with construction paper ornaments and frames with pictures that you remember your ultimate goals.

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