Sunday, October 16, 2016

Chamber of Commerce business meeting at home

Working for yourself clearly has its advantages - to beat any cards, create no boss to your tasks micro-management and best of all, you have the freedom to make your own schedule.

But by Janice Moore, CEO of Apple Valley Chamber of Commerce, entrepreneurship has its own challenges, especially in terms of time management.

In an effort to help home business owners more skills, acquire to be successful in all areas of its business, the Chamber of Business Council Home Based Business Apple Valley its first two monthly meetings holding on 10 November 20:00 at 16010 Apple Valley Road, the table of the house Apple Valley. 30-10.

"We hope that this meeting will help our customers at home entrepreneur in a way that awakens their creativity," said Moore. "Most of these entrepreneurs work in an isolated environment and not everyone can think as we want to give them this opportunity."

According to Moore, 25 percent of residents Apple Valley, a business operated at home and are in great need of a place to exchange ideas, discuss challenges and participate in a meeting of minds.

focus The first meeting of the Council Home Affairs on the issue of time management, Moore said. There is a special speaker Council have and a question-and-answer segment.

"It can be very difficult discipline will be affected in time management when working in the country," Moore said. "So part of our program will give tips and advice on how to better manage your time.

"We view this meeting is a group of people with similar interests and are looking for a support system."

The Home-Business Council will hold its meetings continuously, according to Moore. He said adjusted the agenda of the forthcoming meeting the specific needs of participants.

"We welcome comments from all who come to our meetings, and we have these people let us know the type of questions that will be more useful," said Moore.

According to the site of the house of Apple Valley, it is his mission to a successful business environment represent and serve its members and the community to promote. The house is made to improve and create more benefits for its members and networking opportunities.

To discuss the cost of the next meeting Business Council for members of the House and $ 20 for non-members, payable at the door. A continental breakfast is served.

For more information, visit

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