Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Why do you have to do your detective work, if you want to be your small business successfully

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Place - for growth in 2017 and join us live on 360 Conference businessman in Long Beach, California. November 16 to secure your seat "

The following excerpt is from the book by Wendy Guide to the plate last cellar - shaped. Now Amazon | Barnes & Noble | iTunes

Do you like math in school? I have not, but I like it now. As a business owner, how much you (gain) is reduced to make what it cost to get this money (cost of doing business) resulting in cherished number, what is to keep (net profit).

the construction of the platform has to do with increasing the gross margin slightly more customers for your business gain while reducing the cost of customer acquisition for its lower buds.

"Analytics" refers to what percentage of your target audience actually buy from you. Their analysis is carried out quickly for clarity of your target market, what marketing is to take it, and thus the number of people who get a profit need to.

(Lease until you can) His work as chief marketing officer is always, if you win more of your ads, which invests in the production and application.

Fortunately there is a solution for less than stellar results from marketing foray. Genuine traders say, "try anything." Only a fool would not agree, but what marketing means that you should test each piece Marketing:

  • To dye
  • Images
  • title
  • body copy
  • The days of short content
  • content placement
  • The public has selected

These traders are correct 100 percent. Yes, you should for each page of your Web do this, e-mail, blog, advertising, products, pitch, sales letter, marketing campaign and all you do for your business site.

His eyes are on the back of the head, if you even thought of all the work required to gather analysis and test, test, test? I'll tell you a secret: I can not bring myself to these things to try. Who has time?

I designed a much simpler way for you to do the work of critical analysis. I call it "Analytics Light". It is derived from known words "Success leaves traces." I'm business-oriented products and services share companies, is to make it even easier for you.

"Analytics Light 'for a product - companies

The best way to find out if someone buy your product is to spend some time online to explore. Invest a few hours before and) you have the option just mentioned a test of brain-scrambling heavy things, and b) better results are obtained from the start to skip.

Take the time to discover:

  • It makes someone sells something like your product?
  • How many units do you think they sell each month?
  • How do you get? It is free shipping?
  • As you packed?
  • What is your store shelves appear?
  • How many feet make visitors to your site?
  • What is the most successful competitors in the space?
  • For retailers what their stores look like? How is your parking? The friendly staff? It is well lit and clean?
  • How many people leave with a purchase?
  • What kind of feedback are always on social networks about your service or product?
  • What can you learn about your customers of this research?

Much of what can be obtained from the website of a digital memory also. Buy order or the object of your competitor (s) and see if they are of good quality, good customer service and easy ordering process. Upon arrival notice how it is packaged, when it was delivered in time, and then returned. What is your return process? If there are problems in this process, it's a big flashing sign that your business can eat a portion of its market share to make the best! As pseudo-client for a product similar to yours who knows closely what is "good". Use this information to their own advantage.

"Analytics Light" for a service - oriented companies

Take a "quiet" service in your office is, for example, a lawyer or a psychologist? Or enjoy a service will take you to your customers as a gardener or handyman?

Your competitors are not only "people of the same class of business services", but the owners of all service companies that do well. Check service provider successfully in other sectors: plumbers, hairdressers, forwarders Homecare. If one of them do something spectacular that you can incorporate into your strategy?

Select the "root" of Yelp.com to find those with the highest rating. Then, namely:

  • Where are your competitors geographically?
  • What to look their offices?
  • What methods they use to provide the service?
  • What is responsible?
  • Are your websites look professional?
  • How many do you have in your area, if at all?
  • Check the parking lot, where appropriate - What kind of cars do not take their customers?
  • Look at the customers their desks, like the people who make you look described as your customers?
  • Trace their service trucks. What kinds of neighborhoods are your customers?
  • Questions hour. The time it takes to enter the date? How they treat you? Professional service is your phone?
  • If it is a service company online, they are sensitive to your emails when you ask an anonymous question about your contact?
  • Provide something special about what you want to offer?
  • Set your location, if available. Imagine that you are a private investigator for an hour (raincoat and cigar optional). What do you see?

Your competitors will save many hours and a lot of money by distributing how to do things right. Why waste your time and money to waste when it is much easier to do something espionage? This allows you to see how other successful people do. Then you can test and improve their methods.


Almost all companies have a website. Enter keywords for your product or service on Google or another search engine. to obtain what sites on the first page? Consumers rarely go to the second page, so pages that appear after the first page, not much good can be done for their owners. Ignore them.

Note. The URL for each site on the first page and exactly what keywords and keyword phrases used to find them Use them later for your own website - easy to do, but if you're nervous, ask your administrator for you to do. And remember, there are different ways to do the same. Enter things to consider other a keyword or key phrase that appears you of course, but also ways of phrasing.

For example, consider these key phrases and their alternates:

  • "Where can I find a good CPA?" Versus "Best CPA rated in Atlanta"
  • "Fishing boat fiberglass" versus "best fishing boat"
  • "The best Stroller" vs "blue stroller"

Although the researchers in these examples may be the same exactly which keywords are critical otherwise. Google will show what "thinks" is closer to what the person wants.

If you find that people use a word or phrase for your product or service is different than it is right for you and naturally appear, who cares? This is a perfect example of "the customer is always right." The words by most people, even if they disagree with his phrasing and spelling mistakes.

Warning: If your main competitors do not appear when keywords that feels "right" before congratulating his genius, to be used again. This probably means that you simply choose the keywords in your search. If you use there less popular words on your site change. No matter who is right - it is important that you get paid.

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