Friday, July 15, 2016

Being a housewife is not happy working for some

The negotiation of an authoritarian boss, a murderer walk and a walk-gray one parent can stay at home seem like you won the lottery.

He felt that Jessica Spentzos, who had been a special education teacher for 12 years, a 3-year-old son and was pregnant with her second child in the ninth month.


After 45 minutes of high stress job, Spentzos had to play a few minutes with his son and put him to bed before their tasks, ready for the next day and slept at 1 am

So when she and her husband decided in South Barrington, Illinois, would stay home., A woman was thrilled.

"It was like a golden ticket, my husband my hero," Spentzos said.

But it was not to remain too long at home with two small children, was not as beautiful as she had thought.

"Things are very, very soon," he said. "I was his slave, and I felt very isolated, and was very lonely. I lost feeling."

She is not alone.

A recent Gallup survey found that mothers who stay in the United States at home, are more likely than mothers to work to experience sadness and anger. Depression Twenty-eight percent reported when you are asked how they felt the day before, compared to 17 percent of working mothers. And 41 percent of mothers who stay at home is concerned, compared to 34 percent of working mothers, the study found. Sixty-three percent of working mothers said they were booming, compared to 55 percent of mothers who stay at home.

And without leaving home with her child, there is usually an option to make the parents happy, psychologists have said that it is difficult to predict how happy - or unhappy - this election them before they actually do make it is, even if it is such a good idea at the time appears.

"There are so many changes and stress for new unexpected mothers, it is difficult to say for everyone, how they feel after the baby to have," said Karen Kleiman, founder and director of the Postpartum Stress Center and author of several books on postpartum depression. "Some women hoping are to enjoy at home, they find that they are bored, and angry. Others say they never thought that feels so good to be home."

Anyway, Kleiman, the most women opt to stay at home, are surprised want to stay with their children at home, can the stress of aggravate children she has said. Also, to be the joy with their children, are outweighed by guilt and inadequacy, he said.

"Many women who report in the work they feel suspect unexpectedly knowledgeable as they navigate this new territory," Kleiman said.

There are ways to ease the transition, Diana Lynn Barnes said, a psychotherapist license with the Center for Health after birth in California.

Link to other mothers is critical, Barnes said.

"In this way, women begin to build a sense of community, to reduce the sense of isolation," he said.

But some women do not resolve.

Spentzos was at home with their children for 2 1/2 years, has worked as a volunteer in the nursery for your child and your entire community. But it is still not happy at home.

"The years went by, and every five minutes, thinking back to work," he said. "Most people would do anything to stay at home, but I feel empty."

Lori Sapio was to leave the answer of life remaining in the mother ... quick house.

Just 10 days after their first child, the photographer had the feeling that I was crazy, so he grabbed his camera and started to book to get in spite of his plans in his career to stay at home with her daughter outbreaks.

took Sapio When his second daughter was born on only five days of maternity leave for three months available before they resume their work.

"Of course, I'm not the kind of woman who stays at home, and that's fine," he said.

If you have a reproductive and perinatal psychiatrist in New York home when Carly Snyder to stay, said there was no timetable for how long you should have to adjust to, but you should do what makes you happy.

"Unless, return for financial reasons to work, the choice on the basis should, if a woman feels that she will be happy to work inside or outside of the house - I do not think the option is the good to share that somebody is a parent, it's just a question of how you want their time and energy to share, and this they will feel full and happy at the end of the day, "Snyder said.

There is no right answer to education, he said.

One woman said she was a housewife and her children he bored even at home was. His daughter was working, but the children of her daughter complained that her mother was not at home after school.

"There is no right answer, only the best answer for each mother and her family," Snyder said.

Danielle Braff is an independent expert.

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