Thursday, June 30, 2016

Soon inexpensive paper-based home test for cancer, malaria

In a few years could be tested for cancer or malaria as easy as testing blood sugar or take a pregnancy test, according to a recent study.

Chemists at Ohio State University develop paper strips to detect the diseases such as cancer and malaria at a price of 50 cents per tape.

Abraham-Badu Tawiah researcher explains that the idea is that people can apply a drop of blood on the paper at home and send it to a laboratory on a regular basis and consult a doctor if the test is positive.

The researchers found that the evidence just was even a month after the blood sample was taken, showing that they could work for the people living in remote areas.

Badu-Tawiah documents developed as a way to get cheap malaria diagnosis in the hands of people in rural areas of Africa and Southeast Asia, where the disease kills hundreds of thousands of people and infected hundreds of millions every year.

He and his colleagues report that the test of a disease can be adapted to detect, for the human body produces antibodies, including ovarian cancer and cancer of the colon.

The patent-pending technology to could make the diagnosis of the disease to people who need it most - those without afford regular access to a doctor or not regular visits person said Badu-Tawiah.

"We want to give the people. If you look at all of your health and you have to provide directly on the state, then you do not want to wait until you get sick to go to the hospital. You can test as many times as you want "he said.

Technology as a "lab on a chip" diagnostic today, but plastic, "chip" is made of plain white paper glued and double-sided. By a typical inkjet printer

Instead of ordinary ink but researchers use wax ink channels and reservoirs in the paper to describe. The wax penetrates into the paper and form a tight barrier for water to capture and hold between the layers, the blood sample. A sheet of paper 8.5 x 11 inches can contain dozens of individual tests that can be cut into individual strips then, each slightly larger than a postage stamp.

"To take the test, everything would have to do a person to a drop of blood is placed on the paper strip, half fold, put it in an envelope and send it," Badu-Tawiah said.
The technology works differently than other medical diagnoses on paper as pregnancy tests, which are coated with enzymes or gold nanoparticles to make the color change of the paper. However, the paper contains small chemical synthesis of probes which carry a positive charge. These are "ionic" probes the sensitive detection of a mass spectrometer allow cells.
The licensed technology to a medical diagnostics company of the University for Development and Badu-Tawiah hope. On test strips in a clinical setting within three years
Meanwhile, he and his colleagues are working to make them more sensitive tests, so that people could potentially be used non-invasively with saliva or urine test material instead of blood.

The study appears in the Journal of the American Chemical Society.

American NGO, Compassion International, put on government watch list

NEW DELHI: Compassion International (CI), the non-governmental organization based in the United States working in the field of children's rights, has been set by the Ministry of the Interior of the Union on the watch list recently.

Thereafter, the timer can not send more money directly to NGOs in India. Approval of the Ministry of the Interior will be necessary, according to authorities.

The international NGO to MHA was to provide funds for NGOs that are not registered in India.

MHA has recently received reports that money received from the international compassion from the company Chennai Caruna Bal Vikas (OVC), distributed in turn unregistered NGOs. CVB is said integrated circuits of India connected, according to authorities.

In May, the MHA has three US NGO on the watch list. It also includes a sponsored global investor George Soros Open Society Foundation, World Movement for Democracy and the National Endowment for Democracy NGO.

Thus the total number of NGOs is monitored by the government to 19 Ten of these NGOs on the list of the NDA government were asked and the rest have been under surveillance since the time of the previous UPA regime.

Ford Foundation for some time on the watch list, but was, as ET had first reported abducted by the agreement under the Act Foreign Exchange Administration (FEMA) and the expenditure of foreign contributions Regulation Act register (FCRA). That turned Ford Foundation under the Ministry of Finance and managed by the Ministry of the house.

The FCRA license from another leading organization Greenpeace years remains in limbo. Open Society donated to NGOs in the field of media, human rights and justice and education work, according to its website.

World Movement for Democracy, according to its website, in close cooperation with civil society.

US-based NGO, Compassion International, put on government watch list

Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Analysts reduce the risk of falling house prices D-FW

With property prices in the region Dallas continue to rise and create more jobs, analysts are less concerned about a restructuring of apartments in North Texas.

The estimated Dallas area to "low" risk to lower prices at home in a new study from Arco Mortgage Insurance Co.

At the end of 2015, based on the insurance company in California, Dallas, the risk of "moderate" softening of real estate prices in cuts in the oil and gas space.

But since property prices have continued to rise in the Dallas-Fort Worth and the pace of job creation has increased.

Houston is still a "high" risk of falling prices in the country, considered by the mortgage insurance Arco. And that Fort Worth is "moderate" risk.

that most of the country is expected sharp increase in the price of the house to see.

"Should increase Apart from some weakness in some states of energy, the prices due to the strong fundamentals in the coming years faster than inflation," Ralph G. DeFranco, Arch Capital Services economist, said in the report. "Fortunately, Texas is in the best physical condition of the main energy-producing countries due to a well-diversified economy.

"The growth sectors in the health professionals of Texas and care services more than the contraction in the energy and industrial sectors over."

North Dakota, Wyoming and West Virginia are at increased risk of reduced property prices, according to forecasts.

The median sales price houses in North Texas are at record levels. Prices have nearly 40 percent increase in the last five years in the D-FW area due to lack of resources and a strong buyer demand.

A recent report by Nationwide Insurance has raised to the growth of prices in the country because of red flags in the housing market D-FW - not because of reductions in the energy sector.

The ninth Market Dallas Plano-Irving "lower 10" housing with respect to the overall health, because it is too hot while running after a nationwide study.


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new beginnings of cooperation working space in Los Alamos (illustration)

In projectY, return local entrepreneurs and innovators to the roots of the Second World War, Los Alamos.

ProjectY, a new space for joint work in the small town, opened on June 8, the project for the name of the Manhattan Project original code is named, the initiative of the government top secret to build the atomic bomb, the Los based Alamos during world war II.

"We thought it is a tribute to the city's history and innovation was that took place here," said Patrick Sullivan, executive director of Los Alamos Trade and Development Corp., one of the organizations with projectY involved.

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The same room with furniture TV show "Manhattan", a series of WGN America in the development of the atomic bomb at Los Alamos. The series was canceled in February.

Lauren McDaniel, director of projectY said the hope to create a space where local entrepreneurs can come together and create a community that supports the start and innovation and promotes. The economy of Los Alamos is essentially based around Los Alamos National Laboratory, and McDaniel he said LANL scientist expects to see room with along with other members of the community that are perhaps at home or one of the few works cafes in the city.

"We see this as an advantage for the laboratory," said Micheline Devaurs, director of market transition program with the Center for Innovation LANL Feynman. "It is intended to facilitate possible implementation activities."

ProjectY is a partnership between the Los Alamos Trade and Development Corp., a private nonprofit economic development; County of Los Alamos; LANL; and the owner of the property, Phillip Künsberg.

McDaniel hopes that the area will start and remain, help to diversify the local economy the company in Los Alamos.

So far, he said the co-working space a little less than ten members, who pay for full-time $ 149 per month to get access to the device.

upcoming Events

Tuesday, June 28, 2016

John Bishop called historical work of orthodox advice

John Bishop called historical work of orthodox advice

More than 10 days on the Greek island of Crete, based in Pa. Johnstown, Bishop Gregory of Nyssa was met with the Orthodox bishops who knew only by name, or phone calls, or even the authors of texts, he studied at the seminar.

It was the largest gathering of its kind in more than 12 centuries, and though not as broad base of participants put, as planned, the Board has a reasonable amount of renovation work carried out, he said.

The long-awaited concentration, the holy and great council called, closed on Sunday and has its goal is not reached in which representatives of 14 autonomous Orthodox churches in the world. Four refused to send representatives, after initially assumed - even in the home of the largest Russian Orthodox population.

a historic opportunity was lost, said Bishop Gregory, head of the American Carpatho-Russian Orthodox Diocese based Johns. Documents approved directive on the various issues, internal ecclesiastical disciplines relations with the outside world.

"Those who do not come are likely to regret it, because one of the reasons is that they change the design, would not be able," he said. In fact, "everyone had the opportunity to speak and propose amendments."

Ultimately, all the churches are present to approve the revised documents. He said that, historically, the church councils are mandatory for all Orthodox churches are or not sent representatives. The bishops of Russia are planning soon to meet and decide on a response to the Council.

Among the contentious issues, said Bishop Gregory was whether non-Orthodox organizations be called "Churches" in a document on relations between Christians. Ultimately, the documents show that, although the Orthodox Church of God includes dedicated since the time of Jesus' apostles, respecting the other groups of the understanding of themselves as churches.

"We can not tell anyone what to say," said Bishop Gregory, who was part of the delegation of Patriarch Bartholomew of Constantinople Opel.

The Board also gave statements on behalf of persecuted Christians in the Middle East and reaffirm that scientific progress can not be at the expense of human dignity or the destruction of the environment.

The Board has decided to try again in 10 years to meet, said Bishop Gregory. It is expected to be earlier.

"We have more things to discuss," he said. "We can not do everything in one week. If you have not met in 1000, is difficult to get caught up in five or six days."

Peter Smith: or 412-263-1416; Twitter @PG_PeterSmith.

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New website offers employment solutions benefit businesses and attention Sense

PLANO, Texas, 28th June 2016 / PRNewswire / - Working - Solutions, a recognized leader in contact center solutions Distance launches its new website marking 20 years of success in services to the provision of letter.

"The location of the famous clients, customers and the commitment of the entire care team," said Kim Houlne, President and CEO of the company. "That's why we're in business."

Solutions work offers in the image of a customer creates solutions. Both of culture and customer business process outsourcing (BPO) "We strive to help our customers differentiate in their industry," Houlne, founder and owner of pioneering work in the Home - Office woman in Omaha, Nebraska worker said.

"The site presents our work in various industries and solutions in many areas," Gail Rigler said Director of Marketing. "For the customer, we insist to increase it."

This first orientation towards the profile, with the leaders who listen. You understand:

  • Tom Kim, CFO, which sets the value of the company that customers appreciate.
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Overall, the site, which analysts Gartner and egg already seen shows the state of the solutions as a respected industry leader with a staff of sales, customer service and technical experts working in 50 countries.

In addition to his business reputation, the company is known for its corporate responsibility. When big news homeshoring that contracted to work in the United States returned, smiled Houlne and said, "do not quit."

"No place is common in human affairs," he said. "That is true, we live to work, and on this website."


With 20 years of success is recognized by Gartner and egg industry for solutions through the contact center solutions at home. Company independent agents in 50 states - Based in Plano, Texas, has the network of the US. Fast and fluid, this work distribution, customer service and technical experts serving customers in many areas of healthcare retail outlets and restaurants to travel. working solutions, is the demand for your brand.


Gail Rigler


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SOURCE working solutions

Sunday, June 26, 2016

After a long, home

When he designing the Syrian army in documents, his father told him it was time to go.

Then Hamad, * student computers 24 in Damascus, took to the road for a dangerous and a half months through Turkey, Greece, Macedonia, Serbia, Croatia, Slovenia, Italy and France, then in September last year in Germany.

German overwhelmed social services, is in a former classroom Berlin with eight other men.

"If nine people live in the same room, there will be problems that a person wants to sleep, another will not sleep. Someone wants the lights, the other not, and so on," Hamad said.

An Internet-based organization called Welcome Refugees (Refugees Welcome), often described as Airbnb for Refugees, fixed their problems.

a dresser, closet, bed and a window your new neighborhood gentrified neighborhood wedding overlooking: the medical student Constantin Thieme, 24 Hamad now also has a space for themselves in the apartment Thieme presented together with Hamad.

Thieme said it was easy to provide additional space on the website, to avoid linking refugees with families, pensioners, students, each with a space. He was already rented his room on a temporary basis; In this way it could help refugees along.

The two men met in the kitchen of Thieme. It was shortly. "We do not say much. It was clear to me that we get along," he said, as Hamad laughed approvingly.

Welcome Refugees was established in late 2014 by three young Germans, Mareike Geiling Jonas Kakoschke and golds Ebding. His motivation was to better accommodate refugees was often live in camps outside the cities, and therefore lack any opportunity to integrate.

The organization has six full-time employees and 60 volunteers and helped home some 287 refugees by Germany. His success in the refugees distributed with the national offices in Portugal, the Netherlands, Canada, Austria, Spain, Poland, Greece, Sweden and Italy. More than 5,000 roommate are currently registered worldwide.

When users save a space available, have relationships with local charities of refugees, the lists of registered asylum seekers.

welcome refugees can even help to find ways, if necessary to pay rent refugee status. Thieme, for example, has been € 500 ($ 560 US) posed for Facebook friends Hamad pending cases by the Government are completed.

"It was really amazing how positive reactions were, because many of them just said" "." It's great, that's something where you really see where the money goes and not so anonymous

To ensure that the game will be good offer accommodation people, the languages ​​that they speak asked what, if any, are similar to their counterparts, and describe their city and its surroundings. Volunteers website last mediation or dispute problems in HMOs, which should last at least a year and a half, and eight to 12 months in the control.

If things work has not been developed for the fugitive in what he has just happened in some cases, or offered them a home elsewhere.

Cofounder Mareike Geiling, home to a refugee himself, said that there is a growing pain was due to the massive influx of refugees in Germany, more than one million just last year, the largest contingent of the European Union. "It was a challenge to work with external agencies, such as government agencies, which are not paid as numeric and fast pace that our work demands to be one of us."

While increased political tensions around the open door policy of Chancellor Angela Merkel, acidification is the public mood is another problem for the Organization of donations Depending. After Merkel "without borders" Syrian refugees welcomed answered in summer 2015 thousands of Germans the reputation of a "culture of acceptance" welcome migrants stations with food, clothing and toys for children to create.

Since then, the chancellor has been criticized from his own coalition government. The anti-immigrant populist party Alternative for Germany achieved good results in the regional elections. There was an increase in fires in refugee housing.

However, Thieme said, at home opening is the best way to overcome fears on ignorance, is based, and changed his mind: "Hamad is not completely stereotyped Arab man who very open mind, I think it is not the image, generated in the media, or by some politicians. "

Hamad has applied for asylum, but is likely to wait months to get permission to work. Meanwhile he continued German lessons, after weeks and weeks of work alone with a manual. Although he and Thieme speak English all the time, he says, he lives with a German person great advantages in life with other refugees has: "It's a million ways to do better by more connections because you live with real Germans. " ,

The two young people say that society enjoy each other and go to a restaurant together once a week, in spite of the busy schedule of Thieme. They also celebrate the New Year, Berlin-style.

Hamad said his relatives are pleased in Damascus again to have found of a second home. Thanks also to ordinary Germans, who make him feel welcome. But while waiting for a response to his request for asylum, the hope is that the war finally relax.

"There is a lot of work in my country do. When it ends, and there is no peace, my country needs me."

(* Hamad real name has been changed at his request.)

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Many experienced GOP strategists not want to work for Trump

WASHINGTON (AP) - Donald Trump has recognized, finally, that in order to better compete with Hillary Clinton, it is more than the bare-bones campaign team takes that performed the primary endpoint. But many of the most experienced Republican political consultants are not willing to work for them.

From Texas to New Hampshire, respected members of the professional category of the Republican Party say that they do not presumptive candidate can see on their personal and professional deep reservations about the presidential.

Although there are exceptions, many fear strategists who best understand the mechanisms of presidential politics that adopting a paycheck Trump could stain your resume, range of other customers and even cause problems at home. They are also reluctant to months in a division candidate whose campaign spending plagued by infighting and disorganization.

"At the moment I feel no obligation to lift a finger to help Donald Trump," Brent Swander said Ohio officer nationwide logistics for Republican presidential campaigns coordinated George W. Bush out of the year.

"Everything we have learned that children - not intimidated, not detracting from, treat others with respect - everything that we learned as children, is the exact opposite of what is the Republican candidate as travaillez- how someone that. What can I tell my family? "asked Swander.

Trump began presidential politics with a small group of employees, a campaign for the White House written some directly from its real estate business without experience in managing. An undoubted success in the primaries of the Republican Party who meet the growing demand for a general election to fight.

As in previous years, the primary season has a group of employees created with combat experience who have worked for other candidates, including Trump would demand pull. However, hundreds of these grants have so far refused to work referrals.

Include various communication aids Chris Christie and policy adviser to the governor of New Jersey, Michael Duhaime to sign direct and indirect refusal billionaire applications.

Chris Wilson, a close associate of Ted Cruz said the Senator staff Texas paid more than 150 stimulus Trump team positions Cruz apply ignored after he left the presidential race. Wilson said that even now, a great help unemployed Cruz refuse to work for the man who called his former boss "Lyin Ted".

This is the case of Scott Smith, a Texas-based device that worked previously traveled in the presidential bids of Bush and Texas Gov. Rick Perry throughout the country Cruz event planning and.

"It is very clear that none of us will work for Trump," Smith said. "Even if I wanted to work for Trump, my wife would kill me."

Smith, like many experienced strategists for this story interviewed pointed necessary to the intense election campaigns, personal sacrifice. Many consultants do not see their families for long periods, brutal hours of work in a few hours sleep and no job security enjoy.

"May I do not feel like a mercenary off my young children be if it just for the money.": With Trump said Smith.

Trump the need for additional personnel is acute. His network negligible raising funds brought in less than $ 2 million in the past month. He only paid employee every day hundreds of inquiries from the media and deal a few swing states agents dedicated his White House bid.

Last month, fired Trump Rick Wiley, director of the campaign for governor of Wisconsin, Scott Walker, 2016 previous candidate was, and was taken to the national efforts get-out-the-vote work Trump. Monday, Trump fired the campaign manager Corey Lewandowski, who confirmed that he lacked the experience to extend the operation of Trump.

"This country needs to grow rapidly," Lewandowski the Fox News Channel says. "It's hard work and frankly, I have never become very large."

Trump credited Lewandowski help "a lovely little country, although unified" in the first season. "I think it's time for a different kind of campaign," Trump said Fox.

Spokesman Hicks Hope campaign did not respond to several requests for comment about the recruitment campaign. A former adviser, Barry Bennett, played down personal problems, suggesting that the country should be able to double its contingent of the National Convention next month.

Trump announced four new employees last week, a Director of Human Resources, including to assist in the recruitment, a staff of about 70, compared with Clinton's paid attendance of about 700, many well-versed to complete in modern political strategy.

Trump senior team, including the head of the campaign of Paul Manafort and political director hired new Jim Murphy, are largely a legacy of more active political hands in the 1980s and 1990s, new director of Ohio campaign, Bob Paduchik, he led the government's efforts for 2000 and 2004 Bush campaigns.

A new generation of great talents actively shown little interest in Trump in recent years. In Iowa, said operational experience with Sara Craig, that does not work for Trump or even support. "I am more interested in racing back down" helped Craig, the Joni Ernst Iowa Senate Select and led a very pro-Bush political action committee said.

Ryan Williams, who worked on the presidential campaign of Mitt Romney, said he was happy to work for a consulting firm, where he participated in several other elections throughout the country, as well as corporate clients.

"If you sign up for a campaign that his name. Uploads publicly Some say things in trouble Trump for people behind very hard," said Williams.

But Paduchik offered the kind of positive attitude to be expected from a country on the move.

"It was great, the response I got," Paduchik said. "Republicans in every corner of Ohio are excited about the campaign of Mr. Trump."


Associated Press writers Thomas Beaumont contributed in Des Moines, Iowa, Bill Barrow in Atlanta, and Julie Carr Smyth in Columbus, Ohio, on this report.


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Saturday, June 25, 2016

Many experienced GOP strategists not want to work for Donald Trump

WASHINGTON: Donald Trump has finally that recognized with Hillary Clinton better compete, which requires more than the bare-bones campaign team who conducted the primary endpoint. But many of the most experienced Republican political consultants are not willing to work for them.

From Texas to New Hampshire, respected members of the professional category of the Republican Party say that they do not presumptive candidate can see on their personal and professional deep reservations about the presidential.

Although there are exceptions, many fear strategists who best understand the mechanisms of presidential politics that adopting a paycheck Trump could stain your resume, range of other customers and even cause problems at home. They are also reluctant to months in a division candidate whose campaign spending plagued by infighting and disorganization.

"At the moment I feel no obligation to lift a finger to help Donald Trump," Brent Swander said Ohio officer nationwide logistics for Republican presidential campaigns coordinated George W. Bush out of the year.

"Everything we have learned that children not be intimidated for you, not to detract treat others with respect all that we learned as children, the exact opposite of what the Republican candidate does. How do you work for someone like mean? What would I say my family? "asked Swander.

Trump began presidential politics with a small group of employees, a campaign for the White House written some directly from its real estate business without experience in managing.

An undoubted success in the primaries of the Republican Party who meet the growing demand for a general election to fight.

As in previous years, the primary season has a group of employees created with combat experience who have worked for other candidates, including Trump would demand pull. However, hundreds of these grants have so far refused to work referrals.

Include various communication aids Chris Christie and policy adviser to the governor of New Jersey, Michael Duhaime, who said he direct and indirect refused to sign with billionaire applications.

Chris Wilson, a close associate of Ted Cruz said the Senator staff Texas paid more than 150 stimulus Trump team positions Cruz apply ignored after he left the presidential race. Wilson said that even now, a great help unemployed Cruz refuse to work for the man who called his former boss "Lyin Ted".

This is the case of Scott Smith, a Texas-based device that worked previously traveled in the presidential bids of Bush and Texas Gov. Rick Perry throughout the country Cruz event planning and.

Friday, June 24, 2016

These companies embrace Bay Area profession Pets

The Bay Area like animals, and for some employees of luck, take your pet is as just a fun advantageous to work more.

Many companies have relied on Pet Bay Area that allow the employees, and even customers bring Fido to work. Here are some local companies with advantages:

  • Liftopia
  • Justia
  • Frenchie Winery
  • cattledog Publishing
  • Advent software

Friday "will take you to work your dog", but if you are lucky enough to work with these companies, then every day is your dog business day working and you can blame kiss for leaving your pet to adopt at home.

Take a look at the previous presentation - the list of companies based Bay Area hugging to see domestic work.

Serviced office company based in New York Serendipity Labs offers multiple sites D-FW Co-working

Biz Blog impact

Serendipity Labs Co-Working plans to open nine shared office facilities in the Dallas-Fort Worth area starting early next year. A rendering of one of their planned locations. (Serendipity Labs Co-Working )

to open Serendipity Labs Co-routings new offices shared centers in Dallas-Fort Worth from next year. An illustration of their expected locations. (Serendipity Labs Co-Work)

A joint office firm based in New York made the plans a major effort in North Texas to open new co-processing centers.

  • Company desktop sharing based on the routes of New York WeWork Dallas
  • Empty tall buildings historic part gets new life as office space

Coworking laboratories Serendipity is to provide a joint of a handful of companies operations workspace in the Dallas-Fort Worth.

Serendipity is a franchise agreement with a subsidiary of Worth, Texas-based hotel formed a development partner for D-FW to be locations.

The companies hope that their first room to have D-FW operational early next year.

Serendipity Labs has over 100 locations in the development pipeline in the US

Each of the new plants in North Texas will be managed by the company Coworking Worth Worth hotel.

"We are a national implementation, and what is to obtain complete without Dallas?" Said CEO John Serendipity Labs Arenas. "We make sure we have the appropriate cover and Dallas is a key.

"There is room in the market and the latent potential demand, because it is not well served -. Not only in the urban side, but the suburbs as well"

Each location Serendipity Labs offer everything from individual workstations to private offices and team rooms.

Persons or companies that to be used for a membership to, at events, workshops, cafes and meeting rooms.

"There's a membership level for most needs," Arenas said. "There are people who use it as a home office, as a supplement or social environment."

Arenas said professionals - either alone or new employees in large companies - looking for different workspaces than traditional offices.

"We can show an experience that is different from the other offers, like the traditional executive suite are presently there," he said. "Many people are looking for something that they do not know it exists.

"When you see, they ask," Where was I? "

Serendipity Labs opened its first locations in the regions of Chicago and New York and has additional facilities online soon in Florida, Connecticut and Maryland.

The company has introduced 10 locations in Houston with the first opening later this year on the market.

Arenas said Serendipity Labs is for office space in downtown Dallas to negotiate and looking at other places in the suburbs and Fort Worth.

"We are negotiating with the owners to identify a location at the top or in the arts district is about 30,000 square meters," he said. "Our suburbs are 12000-15000 square meters to 20,000."

He said the company wants to create a network of branches in other major markets in North Texas.

"You can work close to home today or to terminate a project team steering wheel in a downtown area of ​​the city," Arenas said.

He said the trend of co-operation is not only for young workers, to avoid the traditional desktop environments.

"It should not be a millennium for digital television and the trust, the way you have to work to work," Arenas said. "Employers are trying to gain more and more and keep the best talent, so they flexibility."

Meanwhile Serendipity Labs has its incidence in North Texas, desktop sharing another big New York firm - WeWork - the locations of area scout.

joint office co-working company in Dallas based even adding locations.

And long Regus executive suite opens office a large common office center on top of the McKinney Avenue called Spaces.

Even with the rapid growth of the company, Doug Denman, CEO Coworking Worth, said the common office area and is served in North Texas.

"The staff here and the companies that they might work for a greater flexibility to use" Denman said. "Companies looking to expand their footprint estate business, without long-term commitments.

"It's time for a network of co-operation, the members and their organizations to redefine professional life helps."

Arenas said some workers with large companies, which are used in traditional offices, you might scratch your head for the growth of operations co-workng.

"A collective way of working is not for everyone," he said. "Foosball is not part of my workday.

"If I had some 20, it could be."

Serendipity Labs Co-Working will rent everything from a single workstation to a private office or conference rooms. (Serendipity Labs Co-Working )

Serendipity laboratories Coworking is all from one workstation to rent an office or private conference room. (Serendipity Labs Co-Work)

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Thursday, June 23, 2016

Putting the mobile unit special education children in the country are available: Chandigarh

Written by Gurdarshan Singh | Chandigarh | Published 24th June 2016 05:38

Kaptan Singh Solanki UT administrator said to provide education at home on Thursday a mobile van for disabled children.

Kalam called Express, the car is working six days a week and have a teacher and a physiotherapist.

Deputy Commissioner and President of the Indian Red Cross, Chandigarh, said Ajit Balaji Joshi of Kalam Express an LCD screen, includes a video projector, books and toys.

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He also said that children who can not commute to school, an education is to get covered by the installation of home education, and they should all necessary support services, such as sanitation and rehabilitation therapy services. The car is marginally counties and rehabilitation respond to children with special needs in peripheral settlements.

Dr. Patel Fareja, support and mentor, said: "We identified about 193 children with severe disabilities such as autism, cerebral palsy, mental retardation and multiple disabilities in the areas of UT Chandigarh."

Kalam to express a child twice a week and reach more mobile units of this kind will be provided in the near future are available to provide these services for these children are available, he added.

Moreover, India Red Cross, educator and therapist Chandigarh appointed several times to teach disabled children. 00-16: 00, Monday to Saturday, mobile in the fields of Maloya, Dhana, Manimajra, Mauli Jagran and Bapu Dham unit 9 available.

The interaction with the media, Kaptan Singh Solanki said Kalam Express is a mobile school for children with multiple disabilities to provide home education.

Wednesday, June 22, 2016

These are the best jobs part time you can do at home

A good part-time job from home and make money still to do? It sounds like an over come from a scammer Internet. But do to these concerts indeed exists.

If work more flexible teleworking studied online resources more than 1,100 parents, it was a strong demand for part-time work and homework. Good jobs that meet these requirements are hard to find so appealing and have for many years used as bait scams by working from home. (You can view a list of the most commonly found here.)

With the help of flexible workplaces, we have identified eight legitimate options for people who want to work part time at home or occasionally. To determine compensation ranges for each job, labor market data integrated flexible wages and

The list consists of the open and legitimate established entrepreneurs (or recently opened) positions in flexible jobs, a look at the best options now work part-time in the internal market. Of course, as with any job, candidates for these concerts every company needs veterinary care before signing.

The woman forbidden to work as a health assistant

Gloucester - A 34-year-old Gloucester work for organizations Healthcare two source local base was ordered more than two months to serve in jail after guilty Monday to charges of theft pleading in homes of elderly customers and receiving stolen goods.

Lyndsi Foss, 12 Liberty St., was increasingly banned from working in the areas of home care, or health care.

Foss had been accused by the police of Gloucester, in February 2015 in accordance with an investigation which two policemen Gloucester Lynn. Police say he admitted stealing jewelry to customers and is committed to support an addiction to opiates.

Monday, District Judge Gloucester Joseph Jennings III Foss imprisonment of 18 months trying served 90 days and 14 days credited to three counts of theft of more than $ 250 per person aged 65 years and over, and three charges are stolen in value, the more than $ 250 it was taken for women goods into the prison in Framingham; the remainder of his sentence was suspended in December 2017th

He was also paid by the judge $ 909.70 in restitution, and ordered not ordered in the fields of healthcare, to work at home. additional charges of robbery with a single system and single flight were rejected.

The victim in this case was 74 to 99 years, according to a police inspector Gloucester Thomas Quinn. He said the investigation began when the Foss name and its promise of jewelry "many" to appear on both lists Pawn Gloucester and Lynn began to police regularly provided.

had police then learned Foss TLC @ Home is based on Gloucester and home care aid worked and worked previously funded as a tool for Home Health Care Action Inc., the two programs based in Gloucester Senior Care Inc.

The Foss report was "well done" with the action until the agency had received a complaint about the lack oxycodone in a customer's home in December 2014. In addition, an official confirmed TLC @ Home police had received a complaint that a family customers Manchester, a purse and money missing after visiting Foss in the house of their loved ones reported after he began to work with TLC January, 2015.

In an interview with the police, Foss said first agent of the jewels he belonged had pledged to her grandmother, but after being confronted with recordings commitment and the fact that some of the pieces of jewelry including wedding bands then she admitted that customers jewelry house had stolen while working with TLC and action to support their addiction to opiates.

It has been shown, and a large number of rooms that had committed to identify diamond shops Blue River, both of which were in Gloucester and Danvers and Linda Lynn.

Lynn Detective Robert Ferrari was able jewels of Linda Foss on four dates in 2015 and returning families of the victims committed to recover, but because Pawnshops period of 30 days promised Article grace so far could not be found and he melted for Scrap metal.

The same is the case for products Foss was storing blue diamonds insisted the report said Quinn.

staff writer Ray Lamont can be reached at 978-675-2705 or by e-mail to

Tuesday, June 21, 2016

The Hidden Costs of the United States and housewife parents

The decision to return after a baby to work - and to pay for child care - is difficult. American parents can now another financial figure hit his calculations added: lost their jobs could cost a family of three times the annual salary of one parent each year.

They lack a regular salary, but also the opportunity costs, including lost wages growth and pension assets, according to a report released Tuesday by the Center for American Progress.

"Given the importance of the career of the parents to ensure the financial stability of their children, is a sign that we do not believe that to the child care as an economic issue when parents decide without leaving good tools or not see how it affects their income, "said Michael Madowitz, co-author of the report and an economist at the Institute based research in Washington liberal.

Unlike other major life decisions, such as a house or pension planning to buy, financial factors to apply for childcare leave fairly well understood, Madowitz said.

The actual costs are determined by the fact that many parents start their careers, which means that even the slightest interruption of revenue can have a significant impact in the decades that followed the workforce.

To illustrate how quickly the losses can add up, the analysts of the CAP have developed a chart that allows users to input factors such as gender, age, salary and time scheduled job allows work. lose with 26 hypothetical employee with a salary of $ 44,000 per year would thus take on lifetime earnings of $ 706,778 5 years in order to care for a child.

Approximately 65 percent of children under 5 years have all concubinage parents in the workforce, according to the Annie E. Casey Foundation. With head care 14 percent of the average income of a married couple in some of the most populous states will cost in deciding whether or not to work outside the home even more complex.

The calculation is much more tense for those who have a lot of pillows small: The below the poverty line spend 36 percent on average of the annual income for child care, compared to 9 percent of all families with children under 5 years, according to calculations separate PAC with data from the Census Bureau.

Rising costs of contracted child care and lack of policies favorable work for the family in the US They were, because instead of the number of women in the workforce made largely to the decline in charge choose to stay at home to care for their children. The participation of women of working age fell to 56.7 per cent from a peak of 60.3 percent 16 years ago.

Countries that support greater flexibility in the policy of the workforce - including paid leave for parents, child care and high quality care for older people - generally have higher employment rates among women, according to a report on the US economy released last week by the Organisation for economic co-operation and development week.

"The lack of programs to pay family holiday in the United States, combined with the high cost of child care in the United States, is an important reason why the participation and women after the birth of a child is back to work still a struggle for many in low and middle income families "Aparna Mathur, resident scholar at the economic policy at the American Enterprise Institute, based in Washington, said in an e-mail. "It is not only for women, but it is a matter of economic importance."

Read the hidden costs of US parents stay at home

Monday, June 20, 2016

Homeworkers reaffirm the requirement for adoption by the State

KARACHI: As the world of application on June 20 as the 20th anniversary of the adoption of homeworkers by the International Labour Organisation (ILO) as part of the workforce, workers repeated at the local home demand Monday, which are given by the state and an identity legally recognized ,

At a press conference Karachi Press Club, Secretary of the workers to the main medical Zehra Khan said it was time the government recognizes outworkers and ratified the Convention on the work of 1996 (No177) under the Act.

This, he said, would at least official recognition for employees, giving their stories unnoticed that were poorly paid, and often were of intermediaries to ensure the absence of a law, their rights are not paid and exploited. At the same time, he said, wages of homeworkers should also be lifted.

This year in March, a petition was filed in the Senate by the club, that after three meetings with the last on June 14, "The Government of Sindh has a five-member committee formed to review the law and the application of the policy of home-based workers. But so far, it is expected that the message about the law and nothing has materialized, "he said.

According to activists Committee Law and Justice Senator Javed Abbasi Senate was to be not the only one by far, which had shown a serious interest in legislation for homeworkers, and recognize them as part of daily work wages.

In addition, she said, "they do not come ready to clarify to the meetings and so wasted a lot of time and to reach an agreement."

Women make up a large part of the economy of the house and supply chain market, in the production of carpets contribute, packaging, sewing and embroidery, among others. At the same time, also pay them to produce these things for the cost.

"These people are often exploited by middlemen or are poor because of a certain law Absence paid," Zehra said.

Provincial of the National Federation of Trade Unions, Gul Rehman said that this year work at least on the Convention 177 has been recognized by 10 countries.

He said that according to an estimate of 50 million workers based at home in South Asia, of whom more than one million in Pakistan. Although the decisions of the four provinces were adopted ", but it has been three years, and there is ongoing debate on decisions at a meeting," he added.

at dusk Published 21st June 2016

neglected work: Home workers have legal protection

However, to give the countries with the largest population of informal workers of their rights, said spokesman.

However, to give the countries with the largest population of informal workers of their rights, said spokesman. PHOTO: FILE

However, to give the countries with the largest population of informal workers of their rights, said spokesman. PHOTO: FILE

KARACHI: The government requires based ratify agreement homeworkers to work (No. 177), which will allow them their rights due.

Twenty years ago, adopted on 20 June 1996 of the work that had passed the Convention on Home Work (No. 177), the home workers in the formal labor in a tripartite meeting in Geneva, Federation said homeworkers (HBWWF) Secretary Zahra Khan.

However, only 10 countries have signed and become a part of their local laws. The country, with a maximum number of home-based workers, have not yet ratified, which is a great tragedy, he added.

Khan said on Monday at a press conference HBWWF Karachi Press Club.

The agreement, the voice of millions of homeworkers represents, but this voice is ignored in Pakistan, he said.

Speaking about the importance of the agreement, Khan said he working in the household sector for their rights, such as the formation of unions, protection against discrimination in the workplace, safety, health would help organizations to better wages, social security, retirement benefits, pensions, training opportunities, maternity, hours and better working conditions.

All provinces Pakistan should implement the agreement and include homeworkers in labor laws, he said. You must be "legally" accepted given as part of the labor force and the legal protection. The governments of Sindh and Punjab were in the country and these workers during the labor law to implement its employment policy, he said.

He also suggested that under the agreement, the data of the nation should also be collected on the basis of homeworkers. Social security institutions should include homeworkers in its orbit, he said.

Gul Rehman of the National Federation of Trade Unions also spoke at the event.

Published in The Express Tribune, 21st June 2016.


Sunday, June 19, 2016

Employers also appreciate the work at home trend: top jobs in 2016

CLEVELAND, Ohio - An employee feared Kim Haws FALASCO meant the move that he should resign.

"He loved his work and did not give up, but she was married and moved to Columbus," Falasco, Akron branch manager Robert W. Baird & Co., an asset management company headquartered in Milwaukee, said. "Colon is not really a motorable road."

Falasco could be a solution, so that employees find remote Columbus to work.

Several best places in Northeast Ohio to work give their employees the opportunity to work from home or elsewhere other than the office to which they are assigned. Falasco employees, for example, the Mission considers like Akron, working from home or office in Columbus Baird.

Crowe Horwath LLP, an accounting and consulting firm headquartered in Cleveland, is another place, the superior work that is part of the trend. In December last year the company, which is headquartered in Chicago, launched its Mobility Strategy program, which allows to remotely employees.

Greg McClure, deputy director of the Office of Crowe Horwath is in downtown Cleveland, he said, the new corporate policy came just in time for the Republican National Convention in July, which will be held in the center.

"I suspect that our office in Cleveland can make full use of the mobility strategy this week to make," he said. "The last thing we want our employees to spend on the road frustration several hours when really they could do their work somewhere else to sit in traffic."

In this virtual age, physical staff often negligibly less than face interaction is to face is not necessary.

"We have used technology to make it appear as if he were here," Falasco said its employees who worked away from Columbus. "Customers always have the (330) number. When he had not been told was in Columbus, this is not actually known. All that has remained almost the same, except for its headquarters in Columbus."

Falasco said, there are some disadvantages to work remotely, including loss of face contact with colleagues.

"He comes here for office lunches and things like that, but bigger things back," said Falasco Employees who worked remotely.

However, said McClure Falasco and technology, such as instant messaging and Skype, can help in the construction and maintenance of interpersonal communication.

McClure said that despite misunderstandings that principle productivity and teamwork undermines the absence of many personal contact with colleagues and superiors who had found, not that this is true.

"It is quite easy to measure the performance of an individual, even if they work because of the environment of teamwork outside the facility," said culture at work by Crowe Horwath. "You seriously telecommuting because he wants to maintain its market share to be safe and what is necessary for the team."

McClure said the company's official policy is several months, many employees worked remotely for years, even if limited. For example, employees who would have spent most of the week out of town on a business trip to work from home on his return to Cleveland.

He said that the employees are the ability to work remotely has become more important still.

"The reason we do this is that there is obviously a lot of talented people and want to do everything possible to attract the best talent," said McClure. "We believe that as a company that demonstrates flexibility that will be able to people who graduate from college to attract now.

"There are very few students who are not involved in their activity in this type of technological environment," he said. "They are used for on-line production, work on iPads and do interviews via Skype."

Employees allow to work remotely is just a work of politics, both companies trying to attract good employees and retain them. For example, Baird has employees allowed to work flexible hours. Falasco said employees have used this advantage childcare juggle or change their schedules to a few days to work more hours during the working week in the summer, an extra day to spend with the family.

A Crowe Horwath, employees have the opportunity to dress casually if they meet with customers. McClure said it is good that companies are the conditions of application, such as teleworking and these dress codes easily because these new rules, the concepts of work for a long time questioned that are not necessarily productive. For example, employees require current policies and practices in the office at set times to be and adhere to certain dress codes, even if the employee does not interact with the public.

"Jim Powers, CEO of the company, a real strategy for the measurement, which has adopted arrives," said McClure. "There really is our employees the opportunity to do what it considers best for as long as there is good communication and works very well."

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Housewives fathers challenges of returning to work

The company has long been the mothers accept to stay at home to raise children, but what parents who decide to put their careers on hold?

According to the Pew Research Center, there was a gradual increase in parents who stay at home in the last quarter century.

Dads 16% of all American families with young children to stay at home - an increase of 60% since 1989, that age is almost one third of women comparing children under six who are mothers who stay at home.

The recent increase in the number of parents with parenting and domestic responsibilities is affected driven by the fact that 40% of women are now breadwinners.

Progress towards equal pay and increased efforts in promoting women in leadership positions are the building blocks of gender equality in the labor market.

Men thought a long time that the privileged sex are not so privileged in relation to the workplace enter as new, the workforce to stay home to raise their children. In fact, they are more stigmatized than women.

While there is nothing wrong with a parent stay at home to raise their children, this scenario is still relatively unknown to most American families.

Men are considered as assertive, competitive, dominant and difficult stereotyped, and those that are characteristic not typically associated with a person to fill the role of Mr. Mom.

"When a man takes second priority to your spouse about her career, her colleagues from the assumption that it is not a leader," says Dr. Robert Chell, professor emeritus of psychology at Fairleigh Dickinson University.

"Professionals will see it as a sign of resignation, which is the race willing to give up to move to a position of authority in your area. It is not ambitious or is capable of the challenge and not the will and passion of the people are considered to handle. "

Dr. Caitlin Killian, a sociology professor who specializes in family and gender issues at Drew University, agrees.

"Men are more affected than women lose or to be the first actions to be fired during a downsizing when they are perceived as more or less engaged than their counterparts working family oriented," says Killian.

Dr. Killian described a close friend, a father who stayed home to raise their children because his wife had the main economic value problem. When he went to the party with his wife, people stop to talk to him and pulled other as soon as they learned that he was a father at home.

Finally, children grow up and begin to attend school full time. It is usually at this point that the parents who stays at home, male or female, is a strong desire to return to the race track.

Like any professional who for a long time can work, be difficult to re-enter the labor market.

But while we are accustomed mothers the parent who stays at home, we wonder why parents to do so.

Parents may face more difficulties to reignite her career again. unconscious prejudices against men who return after years in the profession parenting, it is difficult for them to land job interviews and to attract the attention of recruiters and employers.

One of the first components of the CV that the employer will notice is the change in since their last job elapsed time. While each candidate is different, a variable that this interview request can make or break getting the message on a resume, which pointed to the employment of the need.

While at home parents is important for people to stay in the meaning in a statement: "I am a father, I enjoy being a father, but now is the time for me to revive my career again," which does not comply employer concerns about the current work experience relevant to the individual.

For someone who works for a long time, it is difficult to convince employers to take a risk.

Men who begin to plan on the labor market should prepare at least six months in advance. If you are not used to do something to improve their skills to work with a position as requiring voluntary work for a charitable or community organization no significant investment of time.

Depending on your experience and relationships in the community, the possibilities are endless. For example, request a part-time job as a CFO or someone a book responsible for accounting for a non-profit organization, which. As a local Little League

visit conferences addition, take a training course or obtaining work-related certifications will add value to your job search. It can lead to your next job opportunity.

"More men may be called upon to take over functions which are at home," Chell said. "There are many relationships where the male is more difficult and the best father for the role."

For recruiters and employers is the biggest unknown fact, work that many parents who often stay at home based positions concert work. In view of the work focuses on projects that parents held stay at home, employers can discover and skills they urgently need to fill their work full time.

There is nothing better than to find a worried father and motivated to return to work, which continues to use or develop special skills in tasks part-time concerts.

Dr. Steven Lindner is an Executive Partner Workplace - group, a "mirror image" of the leading providers of business personnel services ranging from small businesses to multinational rapid growth to help Fortune 500 - companies.

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