The idea of the whole day sitting in an office at home, prevent the jump to be your own boss?
If you are like me, think about a week without social interaction enough to give you cabin fever. And you know what? This is completely normal. As humans, we are even connected to combine healthy, that want to do the same.
How do you get the best of both worlds own home office, but also that all important external stimulation?
The truth is actually a work at home not stop him not at home, or whether it has become an isolated individual workers. In this article I will list a number of companies that start from the comfort of your own home, and many of these companies will also be the opportunity to leave home.
1. Compliance with the company Amazon
If you want a company e-commerce start, but live in an apartment, to find space to store hundreds (if not thousands) of products can be difficult. In addition to storage space and costly effort to hire are your options?
Amazon to the rescue!
When you join the program execution by Amazon, you have more to worry about access to more storage space to store all the actions. In addition, take Amazon takes care of shipping and packaging, if someone buys one of their products.
All you have to do is order your products, create lists for them in Amazon, to the development of the Amazon store and ship for the shipment. That's easy. Amazon also handles customers for their products. If you are interested, we have recently published an article about how to publish to make their products stand out, FBA.
2. Grant writing business proposals
If you are a good writer and storyteller and a wise scholar, you may want to consider to become independent grant proposal writer full-time. You will not only have the ability to write, suggestions for good causes (usually non-profit organization), but on the basis of statistics, is probably also a rather tidy sum to write money for each grant (note: uncovered).
To learn more, started as a grant proposal writer, read this article on your first task to get. It is also through the guide, how to build your portfolio, and you can, in order to determine how much to go for their services charge.
There are many cheap online courses that you can take to learn the ropes; deemed to Fort Hayes State University.

3. Business makeup
If you are looking to make money fast, it is not the business for you, it would be better to start as a side business, at least. However, if you are good at building relationships (and painting), you are lucky, most your business is likely to come from referrals and word of mouth.
To understand how the price for their services, you should. Your competition and market research You can find out if there are artists paint the face of your environment through the advertisements advising international face Painting Association (FACE).
4. Virtual Assistant (VA) business
What better paid to help others do the same things, all from the comfort of your own couch (ie, if you prefer the look of stay at home for a home business) are going well? The services may, in writing, transcription, research and data collection, counseling, counseling, consulting, project management, and almost everything else include.
Once you understand an hourly rate (the mode of payment is usually), your next Call of Duty will be set up at a website where you can list the services offered and to submit a portfolio of their work. You also need social networks like relations in this line of work to get involved is important, and this is usually the way you attract customers and of course the way you are.
Unable to find your own customers, why not try to work for VA service? Companies that can see in the US Virtual Assistant include, Your Daily Tasks, Task Bullet, etc. UAssist.me time 24/7 virtual assistants, eaHelp, VA priority 101 or fantasy world hands.
For more information about what matters in the world of virtual assistant, you should consult the manual VA, owned and operated by experienced virtual assistant Joanne Munroe. This is a blog nonsense and an ideal way to this niche Internet become increasingly form justice.
5. professional storage business
Yes, that's one thing. Never heard Konmari method? Invented by an expert in the Japanese storage, focus Marie Kondo Her life was unclutter everything he could talk, after he published his best-selling book, "The Magic life-changing storage: The Art Decluttering Japanese and organization".
a thriving business the whole thing with regular customers who rely on their advice and expertise, created to keep their simple life was. If you hold a talent neat and clean rooms (and maybe a name for the method) you may want to try this race. It's a bit of a cultural obsession currently about "memory", so that their work will not ring as special as you might think.

6. Annual Mural
To become a muralist, you need to be an artist, of course! However, if experience is professional muralist to practice your best bet. A professional painter can learn more about the mural on various surfaces, material costs, prices learn to calculate, and to network how to find new business.
The Penny Hoarder has a great article on how to become a muralist, including advice on learning murals, wall paintings and price where to find companies. If price is your main concern is, you will want to definitely read this article by Mary Brophy how to fix the price of a cool mural spared no details and, in fact, the site is an excellent resource Brophy for artists looking for money in general.
7. painted Cleaning Service
If a mural is not your thing, perhaps the elimination of a?
Joking aside, depending on where you live, graffiti removal could be a business application, and you might even be able to transact with the authorities to make uniform.
The great thing about a business start graffiti removal, beyond the position to make it work in your own home, you do not need a lot of experience or training. Learn the various techniques of chemicals to remove and will not last long, and with a little trial and error (ideally not at work), to determine which products work on surfaces best.
To get started all you need is cleaner, water pressure and a truck or trailer.
8. medical and legal transcription company
If you want to keep an eye for detail and a flexible schedule to enter the world of legal transcription or doctor may be right up your alley. To truly excel in this industry, experience is the key, as an excellent knowledge of the jargon associated with these industries.
The best way to enter this field is to be written transcript in an accredited school. Not only fast to pursue this their learning, but the certificate be a good point from the first days of the sale, if you have not attached via a broad portfolio of his name.
A few schools with online training available are Penn Foster Career School medical transcription courses and the same school for the course of legal transcription; Ashworth College for medical transcription; and 360training for legal transcription.
In addition to technical training, which will give a better understanding of the medical and legal fields, it is important to have a solid knowledge of the English language, including an excellent grip on spelling, punctuation and grammar, if these are not skills that considered good in his cockpit, which probably is not the job for you. It should also be quick to write, and as I said, have a good eye for detail.
9. Write Card
If you have an imagination and a sense of humor, they are qualified for this job! They are not rich get congratulatory letter, but if you are full of original ideas, an outlet for all these creative energies will have, and the way the controls will not be bad. Most companies have to follow guidelines; For example, take a look at one of the Blue Mountains Arts.
The good thing about this industry is that there are so many different niches within this group. So when writing "thank you" card is the only route that want to lose you, but it is likely to be a number of companies who agree with him. Here are 15 Card, which you can explore markets and 15 companies, the applications will be accepted!

10. professional online business
No, this is not a joke, there is even a Wikipedia page for this occupation. Also called "line of professional nanny", these people make their long tails money for other people who do not want to do it themselves.
There should be many ways this type of business to run, if you live in a big city say San Francisco or New York, where it is not likely to wait too many people before you get the latest iPhone or enter first major Black Friday. You can learn here and here and if you are willing to go to a site like Craigslist or Task Rabbit to its list of services more about this profession.
Companies creating plans 11th lesson
If you have never been a teacher, you are probably familiar with the large number of websites selling already familiar lesson plans. In fact, you can be a teacher now, and you can already worth study programs under his belt have years. Why not sell them to earn some money?
Pay teachers is a website where teachers go to buy and lesson plans to sell. It can for $ 1 lessons or full program of hundreds of dollars for sale. It's yours! Just be careful when a sticky legal situation occurs and know what you can and can not sell.
12. Voiceover artist business
There is much more to be a voice-over artist to have the seal of Morgan Freeman. According to Sara Krieger, artist voice in commercial with proven experience ", you should be able to feel to get a point, connect, and the first time nail. It is able to act in a microphone. It uses to be the kind of voice. Now this is how it reads. "
If you think you have these qualities, you will find this product in between the racks, while will lead you through the introduction of a career in this industry, including to find an agent. Once you have a couple of large sample sizes, you can advertise your services on sites like Voices.com, Voice Bunny and Upwork list. I'm not sure that this career is right for you? Enter to treat some of these fun exercises first.
13. advisory business personal image
A personal image consultant helps customer specific project a desired image. They do this by. Its customers training on the label and self-expression, and by the preparation and selection of clothes and a number of other skills
If the professional interests, it is interesting to note, likely to be a big part of this travel company. You can clients on shopping trips to accompany to guide their purchases, or visit their homes for personal training. The annual salary for this job is about $ 51,000, of course, to the customer depend which they work.
If you think you would be more competitive (and commercially) with a little practice, there are some programs that can certify as in the studio for professional image or career -chi of the IPA college online. Fortunately certify an image consultant to be, is a very expensive affair.
14. Label-coaching business
In a manner similar to the query image line, the fashion or etiquette trainer will teach people how to. In the economy and the lives of the most educated, to be successful in the world version Label coach set of individuals, parents, businesses and anyone else.
If you think the label reserved for the meals (eg fork to use), think again. Trainer label are often inform able a variety of topics, including the label children, social tag, label communication, international etiquette, business etiquette, and yes, even dinner label!
If you think that you could do with a formal education, see which way to become coach of the label.

15. Ball Golf Diving Company
Did you know that every year, lost in the United States about 300 million golf balls? When you consider that the golf course between seven and 10 cents per ball payable found, you can make a good sum enough fast enough.
Of course, if you want in this business because I like diving in the tropics, think twice. Lakes diving probably in zero visibility conditions with a comb rake through what could still be unsafe water.
That is diving, believes professional golf ball Paul Harrison he can earn per year over $ 150,000 to make this work. Not bad, all in all.
16 horses financial year
If you like to ride and have to secure the experience, would you like a career that allows you to stay in the saddle. If you are in horse racing, jumping or dressage, there are many runners who need someone who can keep your horse in good condition, if they can not.
Also the salary is not bad, with Salary.com whether to pull a year $ 53,327 in consideration. Of course you need the right of living in the area, you have a horse, if possible.
17 Tatort main business
If you've ever seen the "clean" film, you do not know a little about this industry and will of course participate in cleanups murder by calling, but the authorities. This profession is what it seems: Cleaner Tatort Tatort while decontaminate and prove that they are in their protection work.
This is not a career high salaries (average salary is about $ 39,690), but it is so difficult to penetrate. To enter this industry, we do not need a formal education, but you have to go through a training program. Take a look at the American Bio-Recovery Association (ABRA) for more information about how to get your biorecovery certification.
To succeed as a clean crime scene, you will have to be extremely careful and thorough. good emotional adjustment methods are needed also and should be able to handle stressful situations. If you want to continue your education, you may also be able to enter the private or commercial area, learn hazardous waste to provide cleanup.
You know, eclectic origins business? I want to know more! Let me know on Twitter or in the comments below.

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